Muddydogpaws.com – Featuresによるfiledownloadスニペットの機能紹介
(なお、2.5版についての記述のようであるが、2.6版が新しいようだ。なお、これより以前の版についてセキュリティホールが指摘されたが、2.5版で修正されているようだ。また、これはMODxEvolution用になっており、Revolution用のものは別にFileDownloadPEというのが作成されたようだ。この日本語訳は2012.9に作成している。MODX :: Support/Comments for FileDownloadPE)
1 snippetsディレクトリ下にfiledownloadという名前でディレクトリを作成します。
2 filedownload.class.inc.php, data.db.class.inc.php, and filecount.txt をそのディレクトリにコピーします。
3 FileDownload という名前でスニペットを作成します。
4 FileDownloadSnippet2.5.php の内容をそのスニペットのスニペット コード (php)にコピーします。
5 FileDownloadPluginを使う場合:
FileDownloadPlugin1.0.phpの内容をそのプラグインのプラグイン コード (php)にコピーします。
&countDownloads=Count Downloads;list;yes,no;yes
&useDbCount=Store Count Where;list;db,file;db
6 スニペット呼び出しをカスタマイズしてダウンロードリストを表示さえます。
[!FileDownload? &getFolder=`assets/snippets/filedownload`!]
Muddydogpaws.com – Parameters
- &getFolder
- default: null
- values: comma delimited list of directoriesコンマで区切ったディレクトリのリスト
- description: The getFolder parameter is used to specify which directories to display with the snippet. Multiple directories can be specified by seperating them with a comma. When specifying multiple directories the directory browsing functionality is no longer available. When typing a path do not include a trailing /. 表示するディレクトリを指定します。コンマで区切れば複数のディレクトリを指定できます。複数ディレクトリを指定した場合はディレクトリ閲覧機能は使えなくなります。パスを入力するのに、最後の/を入れないように。
- example: assets/snippets/filedownload
- &browseDirectories
- default: 0
- values: [ 1 | 0 ]
- description: The browseDirectories parameter allows users to view subdirectories of the directory specified with the getFolder parameter. When using this feature the following templates get used: parent & folder. getFolderパラメータで指定したディレクトリのサブディレクトリのユーザーによる閲覧を可能にします。この機能を使う場合には以下のテンプレートが使われます:parent と folder。
- &groupByDirectory
- default: 0
- values: [ 1 | 0 ]
- description: When multiple directories are specified in the getFolder parameter, this parameter will group the files by folder. When grouped by folder, the directory template is used to output the path above each group. getFolderパラメータで複数のディレクトリを指定した場合、フォルダごとにファイルをグループ化するのがこのパラメータです。フォルダでグループ化された場合、各グループの下にパスを出力するのにdirectoryテンプレートが使われます。
- &getFile
- default: null
- values: string
- description: The getFile parameter will make the snippet output only the file specified. The getFolder parameter is still required and getFile should be a file inside of the directory. This allows for use of the download script and download counting with a single file. スニペットの出力を指定したファイルだけにさせるのがgetFileパラメータです。getFolderはまだ必須で、getFileはそのディレクトリ内のファイルにあるべきです。これにより、ダウンロードスクリプトを使用でき、単一ファイルのダウンロードカウントを可能にさせます。
- example: filedownload.php
- &chkDesc
- default: null
- values: the name of a chunk
- description: The chkDesc parameter allows descriptions to be added to the file listing included in a chunk. All of the files and descriptions should be listed in the chunk using the following format: path to file/filename|description||
chunk name: fileDescription chunk content: assets/snippets/filedownload/test.pdf|This is a test pdf. It shows report stuff.|| assets/snippets/filedownload/options.gif|These are the options available to you.||
- &userSort
- default: filename; if &browseDirectories=`1` type,filename; if &groupByDirectory=`1` path,filename
- values: [ filename | extension | path | size | sizetext | type | date | description | count ]
- description: The userSort parameter allows the outputted files to be sorted by all of the fields listed above. To sort by multiple fields use a comma delimited list. When using the directory browsing feature the files will be sorted by type first, this will put the directories first in the list. When multiple folders are specified and the group by directory feature is used; the files are sorted by path first to keep the files in order by directory.
- &sortOrder
- default: asc
- values: [ asc | desc ]
- description: The sortOrder parameter makes it possible to sort files in ascending or descending order.
- &showExt
- default: null
- values: comma delimited list of file extensions
- description: The showExt parameter will limit the files displayed to files with a valid extension from the list.
- example: zip,php,txt
- &dateFormat
- default: Y-m-d
- values: PHP’s date formatting options.
- description: The dateFormat parameter will change the format of the date displayed for each file in the output.
- example: m/d/Y
- &downloadGroups
- default: null
- values: comma delimited list of web user groups
- description: The downloadGroups parameter will make the download link active for users that belong to the specified groups. If a user is not logged in they will receive a JavaScript alert with the message contained in the noDownload language setting. Multiple groups can be specified by using a comma delimited list.
- example: Registered Users,Admin
- &deleteGroups
- default: null
- values: comma delimited list of web user groups
- description: The parameter deleteGroups allows the specified web user groups to delete files from the listing. The link will only be displayed for users that are logged in and in the specified web user group.
- example: Admin
Download Counting
- &countDownloads
- default: 1
- values: [ 1 | 0 ]
- description: With the countDownloads parameter set to 1, everytime a user downloads a file it will be tracked in a database table (fd_count) or in a file (fileCount).
- &useDbCount
- default: 1
- values: [ 1 | 0 ]
- description: The useDbCount parameter allows the count information to be stored in wither the database or in a file. The defualt setting is to include the counts in the database, to store the counts in a file set this to 0.
- &skipTableCheck
- default: 0
- values: [ 1 | 0 ]
- description: When using the database for counting downloads set this to 1 for an added speed boost. This will eliminate the check to see if the count table needs added. Do not set this to 1 when running the snippet for the first time, or the table will not get added.
- &fileCount
- default: assets/snippets/filedownload/filecount.txt
- values: path to file
- description: This is the location of the file used for download counting. When using filedownload multiple times this parameter can be changed to keep separate download counts.
- &imgLocat
- default: null
- values: path to images
- description: The imgLocat parameter holds the path to the images to associate with each file extension. The images will be outputted with [+fd.image+] placeholder.
- example: assets/images/icons
- &imgTypes
- default: null
- values: name of a chunk
- description: The imgTypes parameter allows for associations between file extensions and an image. The information on these associations should be put into a chunk similar to the example below. Associations should be in a comma delimited list with an equal sign between the extension and the image name. The parent extension is used for getting the image for the parent folder link when using directory browsing. The folder extension is used for getting the image to associate with a directory. The default extension is applied to all files with extensions not specified in the chunk.
chunk name: fdImages chunk content: jpg=page_white_picture.png, png=page_white_picture.png, gif=page_white_picture.png, php=page_white_php.png, js=page_white_cup.png, pdf=page_white_acrobat.png, txt=page_white_text.png, zip=page_white_zip.png, html=page_white_world.png, parent=arrow_up.png, folder=folder.png, default=page_white.png
Template & Style
- &tplList
<!-- This is the header template --> <table> <tr[+fd.class+]><td colspan="4"><strong>Path: [+fd.path+]</strong></td></tr> <tr><th colspan="2">Filename</th><th>Filesize</th><th>Date</th></tr> <!-- Fd:Splitter --> <!-- This is the parent template --> <tr[+fd.class+]> <td><img src="[+fd.image+]"/></td> <td colspan="3"><a href="[+fd.link+]">Up Level</a></td> </tr> <!-- Fd:Splitter --> <!-- This is the folder template --> <tr[+fd.class+]> <td><img src="[+fd.image+]"/></td> <td colspan="3"><a href="[+fd.link+]">[+fd.filename+]</a></td> </tr> <!-- Fd:Splitter --> <!-- This is the file template --> <tr[+fd.class+]> <td><img src="[+fd.image+]"/></td> <td><a href="[+fd.link+]">[+fd.filename+]</a> <span style="font-size:80%">([+fd.count+] downloads) [+fd.delete+]</span></td> <td>[+fd.sizetext+]</td> <td>[+fd.date+]</td> </tr> <tr><td></td><td colspan="3">[+fd.description+]</td></tr> <!-- Fd:Splitter --> <!-- This is the delete link template --> <a href="[+fd.deletelink+]">Delete</a> <!-- Fd:Splitter --> <!-- This is the template used when &groupByDirectory=`1` --> <tr[+fd.class+]> <td colspan="4"><strong>[+fd.directory+]</strong></td> </tr> <!-- Fd:Splitter --> <!-- This is the footer template --> </table>
- values: chunk name with the above format
- description: The templating for filedownload is all handled with one chunk. This chunk is split into seven sections: header, parent, folder, file, delete link, group by, and footer. All of these sections should be in the chunk template even if they are not all being used or it will not be processed correctly.
template sections:
- Header – Displayed at the top the filedownload output. When using directory browsing the current path is placed in this section using the following placeholders: [+fd.path+], [+fd.class+]
- Parent – This template is used for the link to the parent directory when directory browsing is used. Uses the same placeholders as the File template except for fd.delete and fd.filenumber.
- Folder – This template is used for each folder that is displayed when using the directory browsing. Uses the same placeholders as the File template except for fd.delete.
- File – This template is used for each file that is displayed. The following placeholders can be used: [+fd.filename+], [+fd.extension+], [+fd.path+], [+fd.size+], [+fd.sizetext+], [+fd.type+], [+fd.date+], [+fd.description+], [+fd.image+], [+fd.delete+], [+fd.count+], [+fd.link+], [+fd.class+], [+fd.filenumber+]
- Delete Link – This template is used to setup the link for file deleting. The template will be inserted into the [+fd.delete+] placeholder of the file template when a user has the correct permissions. The following placeholder can be used: [+fd.deletelink+]
- Group By – This template is used to display the path when multiple directories are called and &groupByDirectory=`1`. The following placeholders can be used: [+fd.directory+],[+fd.class+]
- Footer – Displayed at the bottom of the filedownload output. There are no placeholders for this template.
- &splitter
- default: <!– Fd:Splitter –>
- values: string from tplList chunk
- description: The splitter parameter should be set to the string used to seperate your templates in the chunk. If the default splitter is used or the default template is used this does not need changed.
- &altCss
- default: fd-alt
- values: string
- description: This parameter specifies the class that will be applied to every other file/folder so a ledger look can be styled.
- &firstFolderCss
- default: null
- values: string
- description: This parameter specifies the class that will be applied to the first folder.
- &lastFolderCss
- default: null
- values: string
- description: This parameter specifies the class that will be applied to the last folder.
- &firstFileCss
- default: null
- values: string
- description: This parameter specifies the class that will be applied to the first file.
- &lastFileCss
- default: null
- values: string
- description: This parameter specifies the class that will be applied to the last file.
- &folderCss
- default: fd-folder
- values: string
- description: This parameter specifies the class that will be applied to all folders.
- &fileCss
- default: fd-file
- values: string
- description: This parameter specifies the class that will be applied to all files.
- &parentCss
- default: fd-parent
- values: string
- description: This parameter specifies the class that will be applied to the parent item.
- &directoryCss
- default: fd-directory
- values: string
- description: This parameter specifies the class that will be applied to the directory for multi-folder grouping.
- &pathCss
- default: fd-path
- values: string
- description: This parameter specifies the class that will be applied to the path when using directory browsing.
- &extCss
- default: 0
- values: [ 1 | 0 ]
- description: With this parameter set to 1 a class will be added to each file with the files extension. For example, a pdf would get the class: fd-pdf.
- &delSuccess
- default: You have deleted:
- values: string
- description: This message will be displayed after the successful deletion of a file. The name of the file will be appended to the end of the message.
- &delError
- default: There was an error deleting:
- values: string
- description: This message will be displayed if there was an error deleting a file. The name of the file will be appended to the end of the message.
- &dirOpenError
- default: Cannot open the directory:
- values: string
- description: This message will be displayed if the directory specified in the getFolder parameter cannot be opened.
- ¬aDir
- default: The path specified is not a directory:
- values: string
- description: This message will be displayed if the directory specified in the getFolder parameter is not a directory.
- &noDownload
- default: You do not have permission to download this file.
- values: string
- description: This message will be inserted into the javascript alert if a user does not have access to download a file.